
The variety of methods at X47.


How do I manage myself? How do I organise myself? How do I achieve my goals? How do I make the most of my life? You can read a lot on this topic, and in the end you have to put your insights into practice. Paper and pen are excellent tools for this. A book made of beautiful leather can become a daily companion.

X47’s book-by-book technique – we use booklets instead of individual sheets – is ideal for this purpose. Compact booklets, bookmark cards, folding planners – a great combination.

X47 is open to all methods. The different methods are presented here. If you need assistance – don’t be afraid to call! We want you to find the best method for you.

The 5×3-Method

Matthias Büttner

For beginners: The basic rule is: Write down 3 tasks every day that you want to complete as a priority. This will then develop into an almost inevitable mechanism that will lead you to good time management …

Click on the Link below and read the first part of the book: “The 5×3 Method”.

The Flow-Book

3 minutes a day

For beginners: A simple system for self-organisation with guaranteed success.

It consists of three parts: the task book, the goal book and the goal card.

Methoden zur Selbstführung – Flowbook


Sinah Birkner

For beginners: A sensitive method in a feminine layout to manage your time. The weekly calendar contains annual goals, monthly goals, a focus of the week and monthly reviews.

The calendar booklets can be found with A5 booklets and A6 booklets.


Irene Paulsen-Langenberg

For beginners: Goal orientation and mindfulness must be in harmony. The concept consists of two parts. The first part is the goal-setting notebook (eulogy, bucket list, life areas) with which you identify your goals, define them and then break them down to the year, month and weekly goals.

The second part is the “Mindful Daily Planning”, a neutral daily calendar in which you write down your tasks from the goal-setting booklet and are also reminded daily to focus your attention on your joy and gratitude.

The booklet “Goals and Implementation” and the “Mindful Daily Planning” can be found in section booklets. under the keyword “Mindfulnessence Goals”, “Mindfulnessence “Daily Planning”.

Grossmann Method

The forefather of all personality development

For connoisseurs: The great man and his little Happiness Diary.

He was demonstrably the first to think about how to lead a successful life. He realised that you have to set your goals and that you can also plan them.

Focus Planer

Lars Bobach

For entrepreneurs: Lars Bobach is a multiple time successful entrepreneur and has contributed his knowledge and method to the “Focus Planner” concept. The planner for entrepreneurs, the self-employed and managers.


Nikolaus Obersteiner

For experts: opulent planning variety.

Weekview is an El Dorado for planning freaks. No planning tool is as opulent as Weekview’s.  The core is the very detailed planning overview for the current year, which is then implemented with the weekly planners “Business” or “Compact”. In addition, there are guided notes and a calendar-neutral planning tool.

ICH Method

Matthias Büttner

For experts: The ICH method includes a personality analysis (ICH analysis), a goal analysis (ICH strategy) and a manual with competence fields (ICH management). The THINK! method, the 5×3 method and ZIDE are integrated.

Enclosed is an advance manuscript, free to download.